A List of Trans Authors of Science Fiction and Fantasy

If you’re looking for queer science fiction and fantasy, there is one easy way to find more: read books by lgbtqia+ voices. Stop reading the same hyped books by white cis male straight authors, and you’re sure to find many amazing stories featuring queer characters.

As a (gender)queer person myself, it is especially important to me to uplift those voices that do not only care about including people like me in their worlds, but are also able to show me the many different lives of people with identities such as mine, because we all know, not two experiences are the same, and I love to read about them all.

Below you’ll find a list of trans (as in transgender/agender/genderqueer/non-binary/…) authors, who write adult science fiction and fantasy.

Pronouns are listed as they appeared on twitter / in the author’s bio at the time of adding the author to the list (I’ll do my best to keep this up to date/check again occasionally).

Stories marked with an asterisk are available for free online.
(this is in no way a complete list of all their books. I limited myself to 2 each at max, and only if they differ in genres or formats/length)

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