Scifi Month

Queer Scifi: Fury Road Style
Every now and then I come across a book that just screams FUY ROAD!!! at me. Books that combine all the things I love so very much about that movie.
If you are like me and can’t get enough of Mad Max: Fury Road, need you fix of stories with similar settings and world building, I’ve got you covered with a list of queer science fiction books combining those elements.

My Top Ten (Queer) Scifi Books Of the Last Decade
I always try to come up with new ideas for lists focusing on my two favorite things: science fiction and queer representation. So I thought why not highlight a favorite for each year of the last decade, my top ten science fiction books from and about queer voices!?

Cover Reveal: Hold Fast Through the Fire by K.B. Wagers
I am BEYOND excited, like you-can-hear-me-from-space-screaming exited, to share the cover of K.B. Wagers’ upcoming Hold Fast Through the Fire, one of my most anticipated books of 2021! I tell you, you are not ready for this kick-ass cover!

Book Review: Critical Point by S.L. Huang
Math-genius mercenary Cas Russell has stopped a shadow organization from brainwashing the world and discovered her past was deliberately erased and her superhuman abilities deliberately created.
And that’s just the start…

Top Ten Queer Scifi Books of 2020
This post is part of 2020’s Scifi November, an event hosted by @imyril and @deargeekplace where we celebrate all things scifi.(Check out the official intro post) If you know me, you know I’m all about them queer books and science fiction, so what better way to dive into this year’s scifi month than to tell […]